Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Liu25 2023-06-02

May I ask how to check whether the document I submitted is for its OA (Office Action) or non-OA? There was an option to choose when submitting, but I don't remember which one I selected. Could you please advise where I can confirm this?

长风破浪~ 2023-04-04

(1) To appear in: Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Received Date: 28th July 2022;
Revised Date: 13th December 2022;
Accepted Date: 30th March 2023.

(2) Feeling: Finally, after 8 months, the paper has been accepted. The average review period for our research group's submission to this journal is 7 to 8 months.

(3) Recommendation: If you plan to use it for graduation, please submit it 10 months in advance. If the editor delays the process, it is necessary to regularly remind them once a month, directly through the submission system, by sending emails to the editorial department. The reminder should convey your eager anticipation and friendly attitude, thanking them for their support (even though you actually want to scold them).

铠黄 2023-03-17

I was hired in February, a total of 9 months, edited by Genserik Reniers.

长风破浪~ 2023-03-15

Has your paper been accepted now? Who is the editor?

长风破浪~ 2023-03-04

How many review comments are there?

长风破浪~ 2023-02-25

What happened later?

长风破浪~ 2023-02-25

How is your article now? Did you receive any comments from a second reviewer?

长风破浪~ 2023-02-25

What's the status of your article now? Has only one reviewer given feedback all along? Mine is the same, the editor is really unhelpful and never found a second reviewer. It's been a full 6 months, still dragging on till now.

长风破浪~ 2023-02-25

Did your article not have any external review comments at that time?

BiberPeng 2022-10-17

2022-01-17 Submission;
2022-06-09 Major revision (2 reviewers);
2022-08-18 Minor revision;
2022-10-17 Accepted.
A very good journal in the field of safety, the reviewers are very professional. I wish JLP even greater success.

铠黄 2022-06-23

Submitted for review, two were sent, now only one person is undergoing scrutiny.

may it be 2022-06-13

With the editor for a month, sent an email to urge for under review the next day. This journal has become very slow.

夸德拉多 2022-06-10

Has your submission been reviewed? It's been half a month for me too.

铠黄 2022-06-04

Is it normal to still be with the editor after half a month of submission?

美元 2022-05-02

The manuscript was submitted at the beginning of November 2021 and was accepted on approximately April 29, 2022. The whole process took about half a year, which is not fast, but the overall difficulty is still manageable.

Augus 2022-03-06

2021.10.21 Submission
2021.10.28 with editor
2021.11.24 under review
The speed is quite slow. It has been five months and I haven't received the initial review comments yet. Only one reviewer provided comments during this period. Sending reminder emails didn't help either. Two other classmates from the same laboratory also submitted their papers, each in a different field. One of them has been in the revision process for five months in the second review stage. Although it has been upgraded to a second-tier journal, I will not submit to it again.

贱贱 2022-02-04

08.25 under review
09.05 under review
10.06 under review
10.12 under review
10.12 Required Reviews Completed
11.01 Revise
12.03 with editor
12.17 under review
01.05 Required Reviews Completed
01.15 Decision in process
01.18 Accept
Overall, the review speed feels acceptable. After submitting minor revisions, there may have been a delay due to the Christmas holiday as the foreign offices were slower. After the minor revisions, the paper was directly accepted.

Vongola Vine Lessins 2022-01-26

March 4, 2021: Submission
November 25, 2021: Received first review comments (received under the condition of urging for submission)
December 4, 2021: Submitted revised manuscript
January 24, 2021: Paper accepted (accepted under the condition of urging for submission)
Overall impression: Journal level upgraded to Zone 2, quality is average, acceptance rate is low, manuscript processing speed is very slow (never receive any relevant notifications if not urged for submission).

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