Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

LvJm 2023-07-31

Just submitted today, can anyone tell me whether this journal only sends emails to the corresponding authors or not?

hang12138 2022-11-30

November 29, 2022 for review.

hang12138 2022-11-30

November 29, 2022 for review.

hang12138 2022-11-25

2022, 11, 25. Submission.
2022, 11, 29. Under review.
2022, 12, 13. Rejection, recommended me to submit to the journal that requires payment.

元加 2022-07-26

As mentioned above, how is this journal's submission system different from other journals? Does anyone have any knowledge about it? How long does it usually take to receive the review comments?

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