Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

wellwellwell 2023-07-19

I am a pure graduate student who submitted my paper on the official website. After submission, I didn't do anything else, but my paper was labeled with "problems with peer review" by Hindawi twice. The key point is that after the first round of review, Hindawi suspected that there might be potential issues with their full control over the review process, so they required another round of review? This is really impressive. Moreover, I have appealed countless times, but each time I received a template response, asking me to wait for notification.

wellwellwell 2023-07-19

View article progress:
3.10 submitted
4.13 AE assigned
4.14 reviewers invited
5.10 under review
5.16 pending approval; one hour later, submit revision, given minor revision
5.17 under review
5.19 pending approval
5.20 AE assigned, journal sent an email stating potential issues with peer review, needs reevaluation
6.8 changed Academic editor
6.15 reviewers invited
6.15 under review
6.24 pending approval
7.4 submit revision, given minor revision
7.6 under review
7.7 pending approval
7.11 AE assigned, another urgent email sent stating potential issues during peer review, needs reevaluation
7.11 reviewers invited

liangliang 2022-03-16

2022.1.30 Submission
2022.3.3 Minor revision
2022.3.8 Resubmission
2022.3.12 Accepted

沙砾 2021-09-12

May I ask how to track submission information for this magazine?

忘记我吧下一位 2021-09-01

Received 26 February 2021;
Revised 7 August 2021;
Accepted 21 August 2021;
Published 1 September 2021


Received on February 26, 2021;
Revised on August 7, 2021;
Accepted on August 21, 2021;
Published on September 1, 2021

忘记我吧下一位 2021-06-21

Submitted on 2021-02-26
It has been 4 months, and there is no news.

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