Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

muji12138 2023-02-09

1.10, the third reminder, and then I was informed of the rejection at lightning speed. It's really frustrating.
This time, with a new editor, the review was completed in about two months, which seems relatively fast. However, adding the previous six-month delay, well...

经典牛肉粥 2022-12-12

What's the problem? Why has it been delayed for so long?

经典牛肉粥 2022-12-12

Why has it taken so long? Is it because of the journal's issue?

经典牛肉粥 2022-12-12

Hello, what is the current status? Why has it been delayed for so long?

muji12138 2022-11-15

11.4 Under review.

muji12138 2022-10-24

10.24 reviewer assigned. 靠 (Kao)

muji12138 2022-10-17

2022.5.16 submission
About one month later: under review.
2022.8.7 still under review. Received an email response stating, "had problems with referees of your paper because of summer vacations." Well, it is indeed our fault for not submitting recommended reviewers. The response also mentioned, "the deadline for the reviews is 2nd September."
2022.9.15 editor assigned.
2022.10.16 After sending an email, received a response stating there were communication issues between handling AE and reviewers, and they quit. Now it has changed to editor invited.

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