Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

菜芽 2023-07-21

2023.7.10 Update out for review.

菜芽 2023-07-21

2023.7.3 Update with editor
2023.7.3 Update out for review

菜芽 2023-07-21

Submit to journal the special issue on knowledge graph.
Deadline: June 30, 2023.

5gkycys 2023-01-12

Mechanical design, engineering design, and product design are considered top-tier publications in the field. However, if you are in a rush to graduate, it is not advisable to submit your work to this journal as it is highly challenging. Moreover, the latest edition was only recently ranked as a second-tier journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2022. The journal only includes around 30 articles per year, with China contributing only 2-3 articles annually. How can you manage to be included?

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