Verified Reviews - Acoustics Australia
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

冈崎朋也 2023-03-09

Accepted in two and a half months, the editorial process is very formal and the speed is also fast. There are few submissions, but the standards are relatively strict.

冈崎朋也 2022-12-23

I'm surprised. When I first looked at this journal, I thought it was just a Q3 Tier 4 publication and casually submitted my work. Only after submitting did I realize that the competition is even more fierce than in the APAC region. What's going on?

wisdom46056098 2022-07-19

The journal review process is fast and the comments are also very insightful. I wish you all the best and continued success!

楼船夜雪 2021-01-20

The journal review process is fast, as if they work on weekends too, and the review comments are also good.

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