Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

科研晓白 2023-08-01

Is cultural relic protection very slow? It has been 9 months and it is still under review, repeatedly being reviewed again and again.

科研晓白 2023-08-01

Why is it that the direction I chose for the preservation of cultural relics - last November I submitted 11 articles for review, went through three rounds of review, and it has been 9 months already, but the review process is still ongoing without any results? It has wasted a lot of time.

xiaoxiaobai111 2023-03-14

Is there an absolute word limit for articles in journals? Will exceeding the word limit result in immediate rejection?

wnkl 2022-09-09

The first review will be completed within two months after submission, and the acceptance will be made within one month after major revisions. JCH is widely recognized as the best journal in the field of cultural heritage conservation. The editors are meticulous and serious, and the journal has high requirements for format and language. The opinions of the peer reviewers are also highly professional, which greatly improves the quality of the papers. We hope that the influence of JCH will continue to grow.

纳米萌 2022-03-18

It is highly professional, with strict requirements for professional terminology. The speed is not fast, but it is still acceptable in the field of cultural heritage preservation.

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