Verified Reviews - Journal of Cereal Science
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

科研小陈努力 2023-08-05

Submitted in November 22nd, underwent major revisions in June, and returned the manuscript in July. It has been a month at the editor's without any changes, despite reminders. I'm not sure if it's because of the summer break, but it's really slow.

Ffion 2023-08-01

Can you reply to me, how much money do I ultimately need to pay?

ZSZS 2023-04-13

How to choose an editor?

橘岛 2022-06-11

May I please have Prof. John Taylor's contact information?


Hello, may I ask if the email feedback after submission is returned to the communication department or to the first author? Where can I check it?

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