Verified Reviews - International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

hs1988 2022-10-28

It has been one week since submission, and it has been constantly showing "Awaiting Admin Processing". Is this normal? May I ask how long it usually takes for you to proceed to the next step?

初月 2022-10-25

What is the matter with the thesis always being "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment"?

学术小新 2022-07-25

How long does the initial review take? Time is precious, and I can't afford any delays.

ccccyyy 2022-06-25

It is recommended not to submit if it is not from a 985 or 211 university. The editor rejects it directly without giving a chance for review. If it were only me, it would be fine, but even other individuals from the same institution experience direct rejections.

penguin 2022-06-10

Don't invest, it has no prospects, I don't have any confidence in it at all, and the name is also strange.

Lt小白 2022-03-23

I would like to ask, is there any fee for this journal?

波波3 2022-01-03

It has been 3 months already, still in the external review process. The number of papers submitted each year is too low, so I do not recommend submitting any papers.

化工蔡老师 2021-08-30

The Journal of Mineral and Metallurgy of North University of Science and Technology is still very good. Personally, I feel that as long as you submit it, it will be accepted after modification. It's the same as a second-tier university! There is no discrimination!

zzdd 2021-07-08

It is suggested not to submit to domestically hosted journals if they are not of the 985 or 211 projects.

zzdd 2021-07-08

The reason for rejection is as follows: The rejection was quick, but it is still possible. I was rejected after working hard for 2-3 months before, which was really hurtful.

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