Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

LK 2021-09-10

It has been two and a half months since the first review. Can I write a reminder letter?

一定要中论文ztt 2021-08-31

A small repair within a month
Accepted in less than a month

sci冲 2021-08-14

This is the review process.

YiFeng 2021-08-03

Can anyone answer? Is this journal in the "under review" status? Has "under consideration" been sent for review? I am very anxious, thank you very much.

hwding 2021-07-29

Excuse me, when submitting to this journal, is it only necessary to submit a Word manuscript file, or are there any other documents that need to be submitted?

YiFeng 2021-07-26

I also want to ask, what does it mean when a submission has been "under consideration" for three months? Does it mean it is being reviewed?

YiFeng 2021-07-26

Mine too, just asking what the situation is with "under consideration," has it been reviewed?

YiFeng 2021-07-26

It has been three months since submission and it has been under consideration. What does "under consideration" mean? Does it mean it is under review?

hwding 2021-07-23

Excuse me, does this journal have a Word template? I haven't been able to find one. Or is it sufficient to submit a Word version according to the requirements?

ym1123 2021-07-08

Hello, may I ask if you need a template for a word document?

一定要中论文ztt 2021-06-27

May I ask if your status is "under review"? Mine has been "under consideration" for a while and I would like to know what's going on.

3606 2021-06-25

Okay, thank you~

我是超u啊 2021-06-24

Not using the Lax template, please submit the Word version and manually adjust it yourself.

3606 2021-06-19

Hello, have you used the official website template? I haven't been able to find it.

3606 2021-06-19

Hello, I have been searching for a long time and couldn't find the LaTeX template. What template are you using?

3606 2021-06-19

Hello, have you used the official website template? I've been searching for a long time but haven't found the LaTeX template.

我是超u啊 2021-06-03

2020/12/11 Submission of manuscript;
2021/5/5 Major revision
2021/6/2 Acceptance

3606 2021-06-03

The general "trans" refers to publications like IEEE Transactions on Big Data / IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.

3606 2021-06-03

I would like to ask for advice from all the experts. What is the recognition level of this journal compared to some other general ones?

阿洛 2021-06-03

Received on February 17, 2021, with major revisions.
Revised on April 14, 2021.
Accepted on May 12, 2021.

人工智能奋斗狗 2021-06-01

I have been investing for 4 months.

海绵宝宝bb 2021-05-31

May I ask if it's possible to remind? How long have you been investing? I have been investing for over two months. Mine has always been under consideration.

人工智能奋斗狗 2021-05-31

May I ask through which email you sent the reminder? Could you please provide the email address?

sci冲 2021-05-19

It's still quite difficult. The three reviewers are very professional, and their agreement is cautious.

antistick 2021-05-17

I would like to ask whether this journal is included in the first or second tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences? Why do some comments below say it is in the first tier, but the website shows it is in the second tier? Thank you.

SLK 2021-05-05

投出 in late February
Notify about minor repairs in mid-March
Return for minor repairs at the end of March
Send an email inquiry (urge) at the end of April
Notify of acceptance yesterday

vx-FXS_97 2021-04-20

Ah, boss, can I add your contact information? I have a few questions I would like to consult with you. Or are you willing to add my contact information? QQ: 454391079, thank you!!! Willing to pay for your advice.

sci冲 2021-04-19

How happy you are! I hope to be as lucky as you.

history803 2021-04-19

Submitted on February 15, 2021, first revision on March 5, returned on March 17, accepted on April 3. There were two reviewers and the overall speed was fast. However, the time in production after acceptance is relatively long. On April 7, I was notified to submit the license, but there is still no proof so far. Based on recent publication records, it is estimated that it will take about one month after acceptance to go online. In addition, I submitted an article in early November 2020, and it was rejected after exactly one month. However, there was only one reviewer, and the review comments seemed acceptable.

Allen Huang 2021-04-15

Submission: January 27, 2021
First review: February 20, 2021, minor revisions, the reviewer's comments were very pertinent.
Second review: April 4, 2021, minor revisions, the editor found a new reviewer who provided very professional comments that greatly helped improve the article.
Acceptance: April 14, 2021

Overall, it was a very positive submission experience, with both the editor and reviewers being very responsible. In recent years, the impact factor has been increasing, and the journal has entered the first quartile of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, making the submission process more challenging. The quality of articles has also significantly improved.

I hope the journal continues to improve.

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