Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

SHXTON 2022-08-12

Brother, how long did it take for the review of your submission? I've been waiting for nearly three months and it's still under consideration.

STARRYSKY74 2022-08-12

Journal is not responsible, it is advisable to submit with caution.
One reviewer suggested revisions but did not reject the paper (Should be published in this journal; Acceptable level of new results; Fully consistent and accurate).
Another reviewer mentioned that the paper was already available on arXiv and recommended rejection (The same copy of the paper is available at the link So we are in favor of paper rejection), without providing any other comments.
The editor directly rejected the paper, without stating the reason (Unfortunately, on the basis of the reviewer comments, we are not able to accept it for publication).
The journal's submission guidelines, however, state that it is allowed to be posted on arXiv at any time.
I wrote a letter expressing confusion and seeking clarification on the contradictions. The editorial department informed me that an editor was assigned to handle it, but after two weeks of no response, I wrote another email and they directly replied: "Sorry, your paper has already been rejected, that's it..."

EleaM Josen Haplacg 2022-06-24

2022. 1st half of January submission
2022. End of April for revision
2022. End of May for revised submission
2022. Accepted in June

Eino 2022-06-18

It is considered fast to have the first review in four months, and normal to have it in six months. Urging is useless, and withdrawing the submission is unwilling.

Fox2016 2022-06-16

Same, Xiao Xiu has been back for over three months, but urging is useless.

工大吴彦祖 2022-06-12

A journal with only about 140 annual publications has a rather slow review speed. Moreover, my friend submitted his manuscript in June, and the manuscript number has already exceeded one thousand. The acceptance rate is less than 10% based on this calculation. After submission, there is only one status: "Under consideration". I have no idea whether my paper is in the hands of the editor, under review, or in the editor's decision-making process. Waiting is agonizing. The journal's recognition is still decent, but caution is advised when submitting, as many people experience a review time of over six months.

Eino 2022-06-12

I have a piece that has been 14 months already, and there are still no results. Sending reminder emails hasn't been useful either.

brianchang 2022-06-01

How is the situation now? It's a bit slow...

brianchang 2022-05-30

This journal seems to have a very low publication volume, how about your situation?

天才狗 2022-05-25

Hello, when it comes to major revisions, is the reply letter uploaded after merging it with the revised draft?

天才狗 2022-05-25

May I ask if the reply letter should be uploaded together with the revised draft when submitting the major revision?

yangy8520 2022-05-21

Hello, is there no fixed LaTeX template for submitting to this journal?

zzh_vae 2022-05-13

After major repairs, the recruitment process lasted more than three months.

Eino 2022-05-06

After the change of editor-in-chief, this journal seems to be getting slower. It usually takes about five to six months just to wait, and it may take a year from submission to acceptance. The cycle has become very long. It is not recommended to submit if you are in a hurry, and it will be downgraded to Zone 2 later this year...

helpme 2022-04-23

It has been nearly four and a half months, still no news. Is anyone else still waiting?

shangtou 2022-03-31

Waited for more than five months without any news.

helpme 2022-03-26

It has been more than three months of waiting, and it has been under consideration all along. I sent a reminder letter last week, but there was no reply. I'm getting impatient waiting.

扣群616873871 2022-02-13

May I ask what are the opinions of the reviewers and if they are difficult to handle?

tougaohaonan 2022-02-04

The original text translates to: "The original poster is absolutely right. I have already submitted for three months and more than twenty days, but my paper was directly rejected without even being sent for review. The submitted paper is within the scope of the journal, but it was rejected on the grounds of a high volume of submissions. I suggest that those who plan to submit should be cautious, and those who have already submitted can send an email to inquire if it has been reviewed. After delaying for more than three months, there was not even a review comment. Sigh."

ihavetwodoggies 2022-01-29

When Yager was the editor-in-chief, he mostly had control over the quality of the articles and was very supportive of the relevant fields, so IJIS reached the top tier in the first few years. After changing the editor-in-chief, there was a trend towards forming cliques, and tragic incidents often occurred months later where it was discovered that the articles had not been sent for review. Different people would submit articles of the same type, and some would be sent for review while others would be desk rejected.

qinyanjun00 2022-01-22

20210627 Submission
20211108 Return for major revision in the first review
20211208 Revised
20211218 Return for minor revision, return for minor revision in 2 days
20220121 Accept

加油啊 2022-01-11

Excuse me, is there a status called "awaiting decision"?

handsome520 2022-01-08

Always in a state of consideration.

Benedict 2022-01-03

Hello, may I ask if you had the status of "under review" or "under consideration" before receiving the modifications?

handsome520 2022-01-02

Little Xiu has returned for four months already, who else is the same as me?

qian_ 2021-10-11

Does this require a review fee? Can I choose not to use open access and use the traditional method instead?

qian_ 2021-10-11

Does this journal require a review fee? Can I choose the traditional method instead of open access?

小巫婆 2021-09-16

I have been applying for two months, and it has been under consideration the whole time.

海绵宝宝bb 2021-09-16

May I ask if this journal requires a publication fee?

handsome520 2021-09-11

It has been almost three months for me too, I'm so anxious.

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