Verified Reviews - International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

花旭 2023-03-17

Classmate, may I ask how your progress is going? Can you remind the editor to publish my manuscript? It has been 10 days and I'm quite anxious.

zd678 2023-03-13

May I ask how much is the layout fee for this journal, Mr. Expert?

唯一清风 2022-11-08

Send an email to remind

lisalfl 2022-10-09

It's been almost 2 months, and still no news. What should I do?

lisalfl 2022-09-21

It has been 1 month since my under review, is it slow?

唯一清风 2022-09-12

I want to ask how long it will take for the comrades who have won to receive the proof.

唯一清风 2022-09-12

It's still quite fortunate. It took 20 days from finding the reviewer to completing the review, which is very fast. After a minor revision, it was accepted.

太安逸 2022-09-07

I have been with Editor for 40 days, how are you all doing? Why is mine so slow?

lisalfl 2022-08-24

May I ask if "under review" means that it has been submitted for review?

七年痛七年忆 2022-08-19

Have you encountered this situation? Please remove the number style reference in the manuscript. How should it be modified?

人送外号二哥 2022-08-18

The only specialized international journal in the field of coal washing, which is highly recognized in the coal industry. Just submitted an article, hoping for positive results.

LUCKY 2022-08-09

Hello, I would like to ask how long your article has been in the "with editor" status?

LUCKY 2022-08-06

Hello, I would like to ask, how long does it take for your article to be in the editor status?

九十八号 2022-05-23

Return to revise the comments in one and a half months, with two reviewers. The major revision will take one week, and after revisions are made, the paper will be accepted. Online publication and SCI retrieval are relatively fast, while the time to be published in the journal is slow.

争渡者 2022-04-01

The overall review process is quite fast. It took only 2 months from finding the reviewers to acceptance. However, the difficulty in finding reviewers delayed the process.

phwooong 2022-03-04

The speed of the manuscript review cannot be considered slow, but the waiting time after revisions is a bit long.

学术菜鸟23 2021-06-10

Similar to your situation, I have been rejected for over two months. Deduct 1149225757 and let's chat privately.

蹲街守幸福 2021-04-08

Hello, may I ask how long did the "awaiting editor office processing" status last for you? Also, how long did it take for you to receive feedback on your submission? I submitted my article on March 14th, and it is still in the "awaiting editor office processing" status. That's why I'm asking you.

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