Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

星桥 2022-12-14

March 2021 submission; July returned with revision comments, added some experiments, supplemented with additional evidence and resubmitted; accepted in September.

北纬30度 2022-07-16

I still think it's better to start with the basics. The CCF zone is relatively vague, while impact factor and the Chinese Academy of Sciences zone are more concrete.

crr9 2021-04-01

Although the IF (Impact Factor) has decreased significantly, it is still not at the entry-level, and remains a CCF B level. What then qualifies as intermediate or advanced level?

拽拽人儿 2021-03-16

Hello, how long did it take for your article to go from submission to under review, OP?

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