Verified Reviews - IET Radar Sonar and Navigation
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Tobe_china 2022-12-20

Did you register a Wiley account?

Tobe_china 2022-12-20

Fill in the address as "New York JP Morgan" and use the SWIFT code and account number.

yanyiyi 2022-12-19

How was the payment resolved after the original poster? I also wanted to ask, but they never notified me how to make the payment.

yanyiyi 2022-12-19

May I ask how to pay for open source software? I hired the communication author but I haven't received any payment email...

yanyiyi 2022-12-19

Submitted 31-Aug-2022
Major Revision 04-Nov-2022
Revision Submitted 02-Dec-2022
Accept 14-Dec-2022
Initial review and major revision. The reviewer was very professional and provided several suggestions. After making the revisions, the paper was accepted quickly. However, the initial review process took a long time.

Williamfantacy 2022-12-18

After reviewing the manuscript several times, there is a significant correlation between the speed of the reviewer and this. Basically, we will urge the reviewer in about a month.

Tobe_china 2022-11-29

Share the experience of submitting an article:
23-Aug-2022: Submitted
10-Sep-2022: Major revision
17-Sep-2022: Re-submitted
23-Sep-2022: Minor revision
30-Sep-2022: Re-submitted
25-Nov-2022: Accepted
The review comments were very professional, and the reviewers were very thorough. However, I'm not sure why the final review process took so long.

古来豪杰 2022-11-10

I am using the LaTeX IEEE template, but I couldn't find the IET template.

sailor96999 2022-11-09

Hello, may I ask if IET rsn submissions can be made in LaTeX format? Or is it only allowed in Word? Does anyone have a template?

古来豪杰 2022-10-30

Record of submission process:
2022-10-2 under review
2022-10-27 major revision

paperdog 2022-10-28

It has been three months, and it is still under review. Even after opening, it is still not fast.

joeycrane 2022-10-27

Hello, may I ask how long does it usually take for a pending recommendation in the first review? Does a longer time period indicate a higher chance of rejection?

万万01310 2022-10-15

May I ask how long it usually takes for a Pending Recommendation?

sx666 2022-09-26

2022-6-19 Post
2022-7-14 Minor revision
2022-7-26 Return to the editorial department
2022-9-20 Acceptance

yimiyangguang 2022-08-08

Hello, I would like to ask how much is the page fee for this journal?

艾斯希埃 2022-07-28

Is it reasonable for them to ask for an editable Word document when they gave me extensive revisions during the first review and I submitted the revised draft?

艾斯希埃 2022-07-17

Esperando Recomendación.

lingbaishi 2022-05-17

Yes, I think the IET reviewers are quite thorough and serious, but because they are not from the same field, there are some misunderstandings in their understanding. Overall, following their suggestions and the opinions of the new professor in our laboratory, the paper has indeed improved significantly.

静无止境 2022-05-17

2022-03-14 Submission
2022-04-16 First Review and Major Revision
2022-05-03 Revised
2022-05-13 Accepted

Cookie_IEEE 2022-05-01

"说明rs挺水的" translates to "It indicates that rs is quite resistant/waterproof."

会思考的苇草 2022-04-10

After submitting the repairs, the hiring process was quite fast. The reviewers were very professional.
I would like to ask, does anyone know how to fill in the payment information for bank transfers? The payee's address is not clearly indicated on the invoice.

我会飞 2021-11-18

I have invested for 2 months, the result is unknown.

Edwin666 2021-11-18

Hello, may I ask if the review comments are only sent to the corresponding author? Why haven't I received any feedback after more than two months?

HJJ233 2021-11-09

20210620-20210715 under review
20210715-20210716 Pending Decision

20210716-20210812 major revision
20210812-20210826 Awaiting AE Assignment
20210827-20210923 under review

20210923-20210925 Pending Recommendation
20210925 Accept

20210620-20210715 under review
20210715-20210716 Pending Decision

20210716-20210812 major revision
20210812-20210826 Awaiting AE Assignment
20210827-20210923 under review

20210923-20210925 Pending Recommendation
20210925 Accept

lingbaishi 2021-11-08

Posted in early August 2021, the review was prompted to be completed on September 10th. It was in the hands of the editor for editing all along, and on the 17th, it was rejected after being urged. One reviewer suggested a resubmission, while another recommended major revisions. The editor provided the rejection, but I actually feel like I could have battled back. It wasn't much different from the 18th floor. After making the necessary modifications, it was resubmitted to RS and accepted within a month.

lingbaishi 2021-09-03

Hello, I would like to ask for your opinion. How is it?

haner 2021-07-15

Around 3 weeks later, the first-round comments were received. There were two reviewers, and their comments were not extensive. In my opinion, they were relatively easy to address. However, the editor directly rejected the submission.

Submitted: 07-May-2021
Rejected: 23-May-2021
After making revisions based on the feedback, the manuscript was submitted to "Applied Sciences". The same two reviewers provided their comments again, but this time the editor gave minor revisions. It took 30 days and the paper was published directly.

LONG_RTG 2021-06-28

Are there people inside? It's so fast.

HJJ233 2021-06-17

Can you give me a template, boss? Thank you!

PNTlab 2021-06-13

The translation of the text into English is as follows:

"The speed is fast, and the reviewers are very professional.
Submission: 21-May-2021
Minor revision: 26-May-2021
Second minor revision: 07-Jun-2021
Accepted: 12-Jun-2021"

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