Verified Reviews - IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

不易流行 2022-10-18

Submitted on September 1, 2021; major revisions on December 9, 2021; returned on December 28, 2021; minor revisions on January 25, 2022; returned on January 29, 2022; accepted on February 7, 2022. It took a total of 5 months from submission to acceptance, which is quite a long time.

violetzhz 2022-02-22

"IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation now has expensive page charges, right? I will switch to another journal next time. 2200 USD?!"

黑洞咕鸽 2021-12-01

I heard that the publication fee for this journal is quite expensive. It seems to be around ten to twenty thousand.

微波与电磁场 2021-10-14

Experimental verification is needed.

微波与电磁场 2021-10-14

The review process is fast, and the review comments are also very professional.

11 2021-08-17

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