Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

mxyuan 2022-01-04

Hello, I have also encountered this situation. The day after submitting, it turned into a draft and was sent back without any notification or explanation. Have you resolved this issue?

kuailexingqiu123 2021-12-31

After resubmitting the journal, only the creation date is displayed instead of the submission date. However, I did receive a confirmation email indicating successful submission. Has anyone else encountered the same issue? I have submitted it several times already. Initially, there was a submission time, but it later changed to a draft status, with only the creation date remaining. Does this mean it was successfully submitted? Help!!

Hyman_XJTU 2021-10-15

The translation of the text into English is as follows:

12-Jul-2021 submitted
12-Sep-2021 minor revision
16-Sep-2021 resubmitted
12-Oct-2021 accept
The speed is indeed fast!

wfj 2021-10-15

Hello, may I ask how long it will take for tcas2 to be revised and re-submitted in peer review? Will it be similar to the first round of review? Thank you.

linghuchong 2021-10-14


August 18, 2020

September 23, 2020
Received reviewer comments: Three reviewers, a total of 27 comments

November 2, 2020
Revised and resubmitted

January 26, 2021

linghuchong 2021-10-14

Good journal in the field, and the reviewers are also very serious!

红旗下的蛋 2021-09-23

31-May-2021 SUBMITTED
06-Aug-2021 Minor Revision
03-Sep-2021 Accept

31-May-2021 SUBMITTED
06-Aug-2021 Minor Revision
03-Sep-2021 Accept

mmmm1999 2021-09-13

May I ask if your minor repair has been completed now?

韭菜小王子 2021-08-31

Has the respondent come up with a solution? My minor repair has been going on for 70 days without any result.

PPP_Q 2021-08-06

It has been over 80 days since submission, and it is still in peer review. Did the foreigners go on summer vacation?

WjbElec 2021-06-23

Hello, is your first review a major? I saw someone say that TCAS 2 rejection and resubmission is equivalent to a major.

WjbElec 2021-06-23

Hello, I am currently in the Reject and Invite to Resubmit stage as well, but there are five reviewers, and one of them mentioned a lack of innovation. So, I wanted to ask if TCAS2 has a Major status in the first review, or if the rejection and resubmission is equivalent to a major revision.

候雅琨 2021-06-03

May I ask if this journal has a page limit?

mmmm1999 2021-05-15

May I ask what is the plagiarism detection rate standard for this journal? I saw online that someone got rejected even with a similarity rate of 10%.

圆滚滚的G 2021-05-13

The text "submit 21-03-27" is already in English.

不行啊要科研 2021-05-02

After submitting the paper to the ISCAS conference, it was invited to be submitted to the TCAS II journal. After submitting to ISCAS, five reviewers provided more than ten constructive suggestions for revisions. The revised version was submitted to TCAS II on February 4th, and on March 2nd, it was accepted by TCAS II. The efficiency can be described as high. Here, TCAS II must be given a big thumbs up for its high efficiency and good recognition in the field. It is also suitable for sensitive skin!

JackCrum 2021-03-26

Roar, roar, roar. I also want to pray. I've been betting for a month, hoping to win and fulfill my wish!

S-M-W 2021-03-17

2020.08.27: Submitted;
2020.10.05: Minor Revision;
2020.10.15: Submitted;
2020.11.08: Accept.

2020.08.27: Submitted;
2020.10.05: Minor Revision;
2020.10.15: Submitted;
2020.11.08: Accepted.

Han-YC 2021-02-26

I just wrote it wrong, it was received on February 26.

Han-YC 2021-02-26

To record the submission timeline, hoping it will be helpful for everyone.
Submitted in August 2020, received the first review in December 2020, returned for revisions in January 2021, received initial reviewer's comments in February 2021, and acceptance letter was issued on the 16th.

哈斯特 2021-02-21

First review resubmit after major revision, approximately 45 days. Take your time to make the changes. If it is accepted, fulfill your vow.

VV_ZHANG 2021-02-03

Ask a stupid question, where can I find this kind of paper summary? Mine has also been accepted, but I don't know how to view it. Is this summary manually compiled?

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