Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Dwade2021 2022-06-13

Reply yyyycchhh: There are two rounds of rework!
Reply ly666666: After the first revision, it seems that the reviewer has been changed because they asked similar questions to the first time, which I have already answered. If your status has changed, it may be because the editor feels that another reviewer is needed before making a decision.

samuelmicer 2022-06-13

2022.02.18 submitted
2021.04.06 reject and invite to resubmit
2022.05.26 resubmitted
2022.06.12 accept
The opinions of the three reviewers were very professional and extensive, and it took a long time to make revisions.

yyyccchhh 2022-06-12

A major repair was done, and now a minor repair has been given, hoping it will work out.

yyyccchhh 2022-06-12

Can this journal be revised so many times?

ly666666 2022-06-09

Could you please let me know if the same reviewer will be assigned after resubmission? Does it mean that there are additional reviewers if the second review jumps back from "awaiting recommendation" to "peer review"?

Dwade2021 2022-06-09

15-Dec-2021 Submit
16-Dec-2021 In Peer Review
25-Jan-2022 Awaiting Recommendation
26-Jan-2022 Awaiting Decision
27-Jan-2022 Reject and Invite to Resubmit
02-Mar-2022 Resubmitted
06-Mar-2022 In Peer Review
29-Mar-2022 Awaiting Recommendation
09-Apr-2022 In Peer Review
09-Apr-2022 Awaiting Decision
09-Apr-2022 Reject and Invite to Resubmit
26-Apr-2022 Resubmitted
03-May-2022 In Peer Review
21-May-2022 Awaiting Recommendation
04-Jun-2022 Accept

Translated text:
15-Dec-2021 Submit
16-Dec-2021 In Peer Review
25-Jan-2022 Awaiting Recommendation
26-Jan-2022 Awaiting Decision
27-Jan-2022 Reject and Invite to Resubmit
02-Mar-2022 Resubmitted
06-Mar-2022 In Peer Review
29-Mar-2022 Awaiting Recommendation
09-Apr-2022 In Peer Review
09-Apr-2022 Awaiting Decision
09-Apr-2022 Reject and Invite to Resubmit
26-Apr-2022 Resubmitted
03-May-2022 In Peer Review
21-May-2022 Awaiting Recommendation
04-Jun-2022 Accept

Dwade2021 2022-06-09

Share the submission process, it did slow down a bit after the change of the new editor-in-chief, mainly in the stages of "Awaiting Recommendation" and "Awaiting Decision".

灵动的森 2022-06-07

After the rejection and resubmission, the three reviewers are still the same as before, but the reviewing process is much faster than the first time.

ly666666 2022-06-01

Is the reviewer still the same as before after reapplying?

ly666666 2022-06-01

May I ask if the same reviewer will handle the resubmission after the manuscript is rejected?

东方片 2022-06-01

The slow ones make people stay in Bengbu.

Stephen Jiang 2022-05-19

Caution advised! It used to be good before, but now it is not as good as before. The editors are not proactive. The deputy editor and editor-in-chief I encountered were not responsible (the editor-in-chief also didn't care). The first review took more than five months with no response. After urging for the manuscript once, they replied to wait another month for a response. However, even after a month, there was still no response. After urging again, they directly rejected it. What's absurd is that there were only two reviewers for more than five months. One reviewer expressed approval, while the other reviewer was superficial. Personally, I suspect that the deputy editor casually wrote two sentences, clearly copying the article abstract, and probably didn't even read the article. This journal has shaken my perception of IEEE Transactions.

灵动的森 2022-05-02

The second reviewer had a lot of opinions, but after addressing their comments in 18 pages of response, there weren't many comments in the second round of review.

灵动的森 2022-05-02

2022.01.15 submitted
2022.01.18 awaiting quality check
2022.01.23 in peer review
2022.02.22 awaiting decision
2022.02.28 awaiting recommendation
2022.03.01 awaiting decision
2022.03.04 reject and invited to resubmit

2022.04.12 a resubmission has been submitted
2022.04.15 in peer review
2022.04.22 awaiting recommendation
2022.05.01 awaiting decision
2022.05.01 accept
The reason for the jump from "awaiting decision" to "awaiting recommendation" during the first submission was because the second reviewer had a lot of comments, which caused a delay. It took over a month for the resubmission, during which the examples were improved and additional experimental results were added. Finally, it was accepted!

牧之 2022-04-18

2022.01.24 submitted - Submitted on January 24, 2022.
2022.01.25 in peer review - Under peer review on January 25, 2022.
2022.02.28 await recommendation - Awaiting recommendation on February 28, 2022.
2022.03.12 awaiting decision - Awaiting decision on March 12, 2022.
2022.03.13 minor revision - Minor revision required on March 13, 2022.
2022.03.26 a revision has been submitted - A revision has been submitted on March 26, 2022.
2022.03.27 in peer review - Under peer review on March 27, 2022.
2022.04.09 await recommendation - Awaiting recommendation on April 9, 2022.
2022.04.17 awaiting decision - Awaiting decision on April 17, 2022.
2022.04.18 accept - Accepted on April 18, 2022.

爱你喔 2022-04-15

The review speed is really slow now, I don't know what's going on.

Inreverse 2022-03-30

The overall process has been over seven months without a final result. However, there were no comments from the reviewers in the last round. It has been waiting for the associate editor's recommendation for a month, and the speed is not faster than before.

Submit: August 2021
Under Review: August 2021
Awaiting Recommendation: October 2021
Reject and Invite to Resubmit: October 2021
Resubmit: November 2021
Awaiting Recommendation: December 2021
Minor revision: December 2021
Resubmit: December 2021
Awaiting Recommendation: February 20, 2022

Stephen Jiang 2022-03-24

I have been in this state for almost three and a half months now, still in the peer review status. I sent an email but received no response, feeling like my message has sunk into the depths of the sea.

求accept 2022-03-24

The review process is extremely slow, the associate editor is extremely unhelpful, and after four months they say it's not suitable. If it's not suitable, why did you send it for review? It has wasted so much of my time, I'm disgusted...

lucaswatson 2022-03-20

May I ask how long I have to modify the rejected submission before resubmitting it to you?

Accept--- 2022-03-19

So excellent, I worship you.

woshifuhongpo 2022-03-19

2021.11.24 submitted
2021.12.03 under review
2022.03.01 Reject and Invite to Resubmit
2022.03.04 Resubmitted
2022.03.06 Under review
2022.03.18 Accept
Best wishes!!!

Stephen Jiang 2022-03-18

The peer review stage has been ongoing for over three months, and I have also sent emails but have not received any replies. It's too slow...

东方片 2022-03-18

It has been two months, so slow.

TangTTTT 2022-03-17

Slow... down...

lucaswatson 2022-03-13

When did you submit it, classmate?

Stephen Jiang 2022-03-11

I feel like three months is not enough, I have already been in it for three months. This is considered very slow in IEEE Transactions.

longkonger 2022-03-10

I asked the editor-in-chief, and he said that it takes one to three months for a round of review.

Stephen Jiang 2022-03-10

I haven't urged yet, but I have this plan. I really don't know how long I have to wait.

lucaswatson 2022-03-10

Has anyone reminded ae before? I wonder how long I have to wait.

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