Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

sheeperyang 2023-08-01

The results of the SI-DTMM notification on June 15th have not been released yet. Urgent~~~

手游吃鸡大师 2022-01-25

This journal is a pure SI (special issue), and there must be a suitable topic for submission. There are a total of four reviewers who provided over 50 comments, with one reviewer's comments being extremely harsh, almost making me doubt my life. In the end, I wrote a response of over 70 pages carefully addressing all the reviewers' comments and luckily got accepted. It can be said that when submitting to JSAC (Journal of Selected Areas in Communications), one must be mentally prepared to be scrutinized. All the reviewers' comments were very professional and sharp, and it was obvious that three of them were junior colleagues. It can be seen that these comments are not something that a student who just wrote a paper can provide. Most of the comments hit the core issues and pointed out all the ambiguities in the paper. It is said that the reviewers are mostly invited top-tier professors and senior doctoral students. Moreover, based on my submission and review experience, if there is one reviewer who wants to reject your paper, then it's basically over for this submission.

春天也要穿毛裤 2021-12-21

I submitted it at the end of August, received major revisions in mid-November, and returned the revised manuscript in mid-December. The reviewer was very strict and professional, asking helpful questions and pointing out some areas in my paper that I wanted to avoid.

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