Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

daxiangjiayou 2022-12-31

4 reviewers, most of them are very professional and require original data. The reviewing process of this journal is very strict.

小小爱呀 2022-03-10

I also published a paper that was placed in the supplement. I wonder how the host's manuscript is doing now. Has the editorial office handled it?

ZWCC 2021-12-17

This is a magazine that cannot be commented on, not to mention its level. In terms of credibility alone, there is nothing worse than it. Starting from January 2022, this magazine will become an open magazine, and I won't mention how much each article will be paid. The problem is that they bundled my originally accepted article for August, along with the articles accepted before October 2021 and expected to be published in February 2022, and published them together in the newly added issue for December 2021, calling it "12 suppl," which they claim to be a supplement. Domestic recognition of supplements is not given, not to mention the impact on me personally, it will also affect students' graduation. When I communicated with the editor-in-chief, they evaded me and now they are completely ignoring my emails. I am prepared to withdraw my submission. I hope everyone pays attention when submitting to this magazine and other magazines under SAGE, and don't fall into the trap. I will provide updates on the progress later.................

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