Verified Reviews - Future Oncology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

大寒 2022-08-04

The overall speed is quite fast, and the suggestions provided by the reviewers are also very fitting to the content of the article. I can apply for an expedited review. The journal's homepage states that publication is guaranteed within 6 weeks. I thought that if it exceeds 6 weeks, it would not be considered expedited publication. However, the journal editor said that the review process has already been expedited, so the fee still needs to be paid. In the end, when it comes to publication, they also suggested if I want to expedite the production process, which costs an additional $1170. It's really tough for low-income individuals! But at least this expedited production is included in the expedited publication, so it's acceptable.

大鸟快跑 2022-01-05

Those who are eligible to apply for the expedited review channel can still enjoy a relatively fast overall speed.

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