Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

狼行天下1 2023-06-24

After submitting, I received a notice in a few days that required a payment of $100 for peer review and administrative purposes. The paper would only be assigned a number after the payment was made. A few days later, I received a rejection notice from the editor, stating that the research field was niche and had a low citation rate, and therefore, the paper would not be sent for review anymore!

对望 2023-06-22

Do you want money as soon as this journal is submitted? Is it a paid magazine?

分形维数与分数阶微积分 2023-06-22

When submitting to this journal, a template is not required.

TY0831 2023-06-19

Where can I download the template for this journal?

未知之树 2023-06-19

19 Jun, 2023 Submitted to Journal
26 Jun, 2023 Editor sent an email asking me to pay the manuscript review fee
26 Jun, 2023 With Editor
27 Jun, 2023 Under Review

TY0831 2023-06-19

Where can I find the LaTeX template for this journal? I couldn't find it on the official website.

shiyilang 2023-06-05

This submission system is a bit strange, don't I need a cover letter?

math2222 2023-05-19

The self-referencing rate exceeds 30%, which is a bit terrifying.

math2222 2023-05-19

Journal papers are diverse, with fast review processes. Chinese researchers publish a large quantity of articles, making it a good practice opportunity.

分形维数与分数阶微积分 2023-03-07

Two reviewers, one recommended direct acceptance, and one recommended minor revision. After the final editing, the paper was accepted. The review process was fast and the submission was smooth. The longstanding authoritative journal in the field of fractals supports it!

Submission process:
1.9 submitted to editor
1.12 under review
2.8 required reviews completed
2.25 minor revision
2.27 resubmitted
2.28 under review
3.4 required reviews completed/accepted

菩提寺 2022-08-29

Is this journal starting to charge now?

chaos and fractals 2021-09-02

Update status, log in on September 2nd to check and find that the paper is already online, with a DOI number, which can be searched on Baidu Scholar.

chaos and fractals 2021-07-27

Submit two revised manuscripts at 5 pm on July 27th, and accept them at 6 pm. Celebrate with confetti!

chaos and fractals 2021-07-26

Update status, after 7 days of major revision, unsure of the outcome? Anxiously waiting.

liushuiguangyin 2021-06-28

One major revision, one minor revision. The opinions during the major revision were very professional, and it took a whole month and a half to make significant improvements to the paper. The editor also provided suggestions, and the speed of processing the manuscript was very fast.

chaos and fractals 2021-06-24

Major Revision

Two reviewers, a total of 20 review comments, with some positive feedback. Conclusion: In summary, this manuscript requires major revisions. If the author indeed makes significant modifications, then the manuscript can be reconsidered. Otherwise, it is not suitable for publication in its current form. Interestingly, the editor also provided 8 suggestions to improve the paper (such as citations, formatting, etc.). Does anyone have them?

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