Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

爱1不会绝迹 2022-07-10

3.11 submit
3.15 under review
5.06 required reviews completed
6.15 Major revision
6.26 revision submit
7.9 minor revision
7.10 revision submit
7.10 accept
Actually, the speed is quite fast. Contact the Elsevier customer service to urge the editor and speed up the review process.

爱1不会绝迹 2022-05-11

I have submitted twice. The first time was for one month, and both reviewers rejected it with 10 opinions. The second time, it was rejected within two days with 10 opinions as well. It feels relatively easy. Now I am submitting the third article, and it has been exactly two months since the submission. The required reviews have been completed, so it should be soon. I hope for good luck!

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