Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

北港 2023-06-08

How long did it take for your submission to be published in the journal?

周末也要学习呀 2023-05-04

Is it possible that you wrote it poorly?

Karen4543fdsv 2023-04-20

Hahaha, I won an award. This journal really considers itself a top-tier publication. It went through two major revisions, and the feedback was extremely detailed and critical. However, the industry also seems to acknowledge it.

sdf457889 2023-03-21

3.21 Too bad, got rejected. It's pitiful and expected.

sci小伙 2023-02-21

Posted, reviewed every two months. There were originally no technical issues, but then one reviewer focused on my grammar problems and wouldn't let go. Finally, the editor-in-chief agreed to accept the submission. It's my own fault for not being good at English, I can't blame others.

sdf457889 2023-02-17

2.13 Submission
2.15 Review submission
2.17 Only then did I realize that this journal is quarterly, with over a hundred articles per year. Can I withdraw it? It will take forever.

王老师ww 2022-10-15

How can the review speed be so slow?

周末也要学习呀 2022-07-31

Excuse me, have you considered open sourcing it? Do you need to pay for the layout fee?


2022.5.24-major revision
Two reviewers, 20 revision suggestions, relatively good suggestions for modification.

科研小展 2022-07-19

2022.4.22-submitted to journal
2022.4.24-with editor
2022.5.1-Under Review
2022.7.13-Required Reviews Completed
There were a total of three reviewers, who provided many suggestions for revision. Although it was rejected, the journal is still good and worth recommending.

科研小展 2022-05-24

2022.5.22 The time has been updated once, but the status is still under review!

Charleses 2022-05-17

2022.4.12-major revision

First review by three reviewers, a total of 20 review comments, with two reviewers providing very positive evaluations and the other reviewer's evaluation being acceptable. The editor requested extensive revisions, which were actually easy to make and were completed within three days. The second review resulted in direct acceptance, and the paper has now been officially accepted.

Personal experience: The journal's processing speed is very fast, with the first review taking less than a month and the second review taking one month, which is quite good. Based on the feedback time for the review comments, the reviewers mostly reviewed the paper over the weekends. The review comments were very objective and the reviewers were responsible. They even pointed out errors in the names of the cited references. Although the journal's impact factor is not high, it is still recognized within the industry, with a factor of 2.037, which is decent. Overall, I would give it a score of 9.5.

科研小展 2022-05-05

2022.5.1-Under Review translates to "2022 May 1st - Under Review."

科研小展 2022-04-25

2022.4.22-submitted to journal

2022.4.24-with editor


2022.4.22 - Submitted to journal

2022.4.24 - with editor

sci小伙 2022-04-25

2022.4.20, under review, time has changed once, still under review.

sci小伙 2022-04-12

2022.3.30, Submission, submit to journal
2022.4.2, In the hands of the editor
2022.4.4, Under Review
Keep in this state, family members, add friends to chat together.

王佳琪 2022-02-08

My manuscript has been under review for 2 months, what's going on and what should be the next step?

Jukebox 2021-11-04

What was the result for the original poster? Is the review process fast?

check123 2021-07-06

Submit on June 29th.
On June 30th with editor.
Results unknown, will continue to update.

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