Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

qujunda 2023-08-09

2023.08.08 accept

Between this, only a simple numbering issue was fixed, taking almost a month.

qujunda 2023-07-17

2022.07.30 new submission
2022.08 under review
2022.09.30 reject&resubmission
2022.11.13 new submission
2023.03.25 major revision
2023.05.06 revision submitted
2023.06.26 minor revision
2023.07.03 revision submitted
2023.07.15 accept but needs final editing
The whole process is very very slow, with most of the comments leaning towards clinical.

依渔 2022-11-24

I submitted a paper on radiation big data analysis around May 2021. The submission time is a bit fuzzy, and it feels like all I can do is wait anxiously for the revisions. The editing requirements have tight deadlines. During one round of revisions, I worked continuously for 40 hours without sleep. In short, the whole process was quite lengthy. There were two major revisions and one minor revision, and it took a total of one and a half years from the initial submission to acceptance. I consider myself lucky because this is my first paper and it was submitted to the first journal I chose. I didn't have to go through the process of being rejected and repeatedly submitting; I received revision comments right away.

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