Verified Reviews - Computational Visual Media
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

可哥科研 2023-03-10

May I ask how long it will take for the review?

可哥科研 2023-03-10

May I ask how long it takes to review?

JaydenYang 2022-12-11

How long does it take to review?

huaer 2022-10-27

Submitted in mid-April, accepted by the end of October, it took a total of six months. The submission was made in April, and two months later, the first round of comments were received. There were three reviews, one was accepted, and the other two required major revisions. The revision process took three months. The revised version was submitted in September, and after about two weeks, minor revisions were requested in the second round of comments. The minor revision process took one month. After submitting the revised version with minor revisions in October, an acceptance email was received three days later. Overall, the reviewers and editors were professional and responsible.

ATestName 2022-10-19

The text translates to: "Rejected after a two-month review, it is possible that the quality of this District 1 is not up to par."

CirnoZ 2022-09-06

Translated text: Submit in early July, Reviews Completed in early August, Minor repairs in early September.

zgybd 2022-07-19

How long does it take to review and approve it in the end?

千千阙歌 2022-06-28

The review process is not fast, nor is it satisfactory. It was rejected after more than five months of review.

康达 2022-06-13

Submitted in early June, now still in the "Editor Assigned" status.

可靠不可靠 2022-06-06

It won't be so fast, mine was rejected after two months. This journal has a low acceptance rate, but a high number of submissions.

千歌笑笑生 2022-06-05

May I ask how the result is? I saw on their official website that it states a first decision within 10 days.

可靠不可靠 2022-06-01

Very contractual in spirit, my outcome will be delivered exactly in two months.

千歌笑笑生 2022-05-30

Has anyone invested? Can it really be that fast?

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