Verified Reviews - Electronic Materials Letters
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

CCCURRY 2022-09-16

Hello, may I ask if you have received it now? I am in the same situation, it has been almost a month and I would like to urge for the manuscript.

superaliui 2022-09-16

Me too, I submitted on May 2nd, and it's been under review since the 19th. It's already been 4 months and the status hasn't changed at all!!!

CCCURRY 2022-09-16

The speed is really slow.

挥洒法和 2022-08-12

Posted on June 14th;
Minor revisions on July 31st, uploaded on the same day after modifications were made;
The current status is still "editor assigned";
I'm not sure how much longer it will take for the next steps.

挥洒法和 2022-06-25

Submitted on June 11th
Reply on the 14th requesting some formatting changes, uploaded the modifications on the same day
Current status is Editor assigned
Not sure how much longer it will take for the next steps.

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