Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

DZLA 2021-12-01

This is normal. I submitted the EPSL in December 2020 for review, but received feedback two months later. Both reviewers' comments were polite, but the editor rejected it outright. Hopefully, you will have a chance to revise it.

哎哟嘟嘟嘟 2021-11-07

Posted on 2021-7-31, it has been three months since submission and still no result. Anxious.

发文章啊先人 2021-02-20

with editor 1 month
review 2 months
two major revisions, rejected by the editor
poor child, pity!

Zou-Yu 2021-02-12

My fourth first-author SCI paper was submitted on September 26, 2020. It took over two months with the editor, and on December 3, 2020, the editor asked me to transfer it to Journal Sangu. And now it has been accepted by Journal Sangu.

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