Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Lynn-Z-L 2023-02-01

A while ago, I complained that my article was not accepted. These days, I found that the article has been accepted. Submitted on 06-Sep-2022; Decisioned on 31-Jan-2023. It was revised once in between. Overall, it looks good.

Lynn-Z-L 2023-01-24

Too slow~ Not recommended for submission! Submitted on August 1, 2022, and revised in September. It's now the end of January 2023, and there's still no news. Sent a reminder but no response.

Smokey 2022-07-16

A very conscientious magazine, very good.

Smokey 2021-07-29

First trial took five months, after modification, the review took two months, and the employment notice was issued in July.

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