Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

ZD-HZAU 2022-06-28

Posted on November 15, 2021, reviewed 10 days later.
Returned for revision on February 7, 2022, given 45 days for major revisions.
Returned for revision on March 16, 2022.
Accepted on March 22, 2022.
The review process was relatively fast. The initial review took 2 months, and the revision was given a month and a half. The reviewers' questions were very professional and numerous. The publication was released around 1 month after acceptance.

元芳 2022-02-15

How long will it take to publish online after receiving it? Can you share it with me? Thank you!

元芳 2022-02-15

May I ask how long after receiving the publication will it be posted online? Can you please let me know? Thank you!

元芳 2022-02-15

May I ask how long after receiving it will the online publication be made? Could you please let me know? Thank you!

元芳 2022-02-15

How long after being hired will I receive the proof? Can you please let me know the duration of the production? Thank you!

元芳 2022-02-15

How long does it take to receive the proof after acceptance? How long does the production process take? Thank you!

猜猜我是谁呀 2022-01-19

Ranked after the annual review, it is a top-tier comprehensive journal in the field of food. It has high requirements for both innovation and content richness of articles. In terms of impact factor, because it does not cater to research hotspots like Trends does, it may occasionally be slightly lower than Trends. However, this does not affect its recognition as the second-ranked comprehensive journal in the field of food.

aluobei 2021-04-20

2020.11.04 Submission
2020.11.24 Under review
2021.01.05 Major revision
2021.02.05 R1 submission
2021.02.12 Minor revision
2021.02.23 R2 submission
2021.03.16 Minor revision
2021.03.31 R3 submission
2021.04.03 Accepted

alex wong 2021-03-29

2020.11.26 Submission
2020.12.07 External review
2021.01.30 Major revision (Three reviewers: one rejection, one minor revision, one major revision)
2021.03.07 R1 resubmission
2021.03.24 Acceptance

ytytyt. 2021-02-23

Excuse me, where can I find the editing template for this journal? It feels very messy and I can't find it. Thank you.

贾巴尔 2021-02-20

May I ask what is the submission status of this magazine? I have submitted two weeks ago and it has not been assigned yet!

贾巴尔 2021-02-20

Excuse me, what is the submission status of this magazine? What are the results?

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