Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

彳余 禾刂 2023-06-06

Submitted in January of the 22nd year, returned for revision in March, accepted in April, and published in May. In the field of quantum algorithms, the reviewer's comments were quite fair and friendly. Compared to QIP, I choose CTP.

Soliton 2022-05-30

Submitted in mid-February, revised extensively in April, accepted after minor revisions in May. The journals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have a very stable classification.

Chang Zhiwen 2022-05-05

It should be that the optical direction is not suitable, and CTP is more inclined towards theoretical physics and condensed matter physics.

公子小秦 2022-04-15

Just saying it's not suitable, I don't know if it doesn't fit the theme, but I have some understanding of its level after reading some papers from this journal.

Chang Zhiwen 2021-12-10

Domestic journals, the characteristic of which is fast peer review.

不做舔狗 2021-05-03

Submitted another article, and it was accepted after one month. Support domestic journals!

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