Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

12 2022-11-06

May I ask if this magazine requires an article processing fee?

Q飒 2022-09-01

March 8, 2022 submission, June 1 minor revision, June 7 rework, June 21 accepted directly. Copy editing will start around July 20, and composing will start on August 20. It was only recently proofread on August 31, so I'm not sure how much longer it will take to be published.

快小康 2022-04-13

Hello, may I ask if the status "Awaiting For Initial Checking" means it has not been sent for external review yet? In this status, have you also received a Figure Improvement Query (photo editing fee)?

Mysh 2021-12-05

Where does the initial review point to?

tomato000 2021-12-03

Hello, I would like to ask how long the initial review will take after casting a vote.

Mysh 2021-11-18

What status is this?

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