Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

wjiames 2023-03-24

This journal only accepts submissions from members. I was fortunate to have a paper accepted this year, submitted on January 15th, and the results were announced on March 8th, which is considered relatively fast. In the first round, it was temporarily accepted directly, and the reviewers' comments were constructive, including a suggestion to add a reference. It feels like this journal emphasizes innovation, and if there is a large amount of related research in the same direction, there is a high probability of rejection.

CChai 2022-03-15

This year, I was fortunate enough to have a paper accepted. After submitting the manuscript, I received revision comments after a month and a half, with four reviewers raising some minor questions. Three days later, I submitted the revised manuscript, and it was accepted after a week. The whole process took exactly two months, which was very fast. The journal has strict formatting and page limits, making the preparation of the paper quite tedious. If there were no restrictions on the layout, I could have provided more experimental details and in-depth discussions.

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