Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

奥利给哈拉少 2023-04-07

Posted on 2022.1.17, two reviewers were assigned.
Rejected on 2022.2.21.
The rejection reason was extremely weak. Both reviewers were completely unrelated to the field and their questions were like nonsense. They couldn't even understand the article. Even though I presented the results, they asked me, "Where is the basis for this conclusion?" The basis is in the results, damn it! They forcefully claimed that my article lacked logic, and the paid formatting and references were considered irregular. It's truly ridiculous!
I believe the rejection reason is unreasonable and I appeal.
Successful appeal on 2022.3.3, another review, this time with only one reviewer. Rejected again on 2022.4.2, reason being poor language.
Another reviewer who couldn't understand the article, couldn't provide any constructive questions, and finally used poorly constructed Chinglish to say my language was poor. I paid for proofreading, can you at least look at your own Chinglish before criticizing others' language in the article?
In short, it's a terrible journal. CIMS forcibly classified it as a second-tier journal, and I thought of supporting some domestic journals, but it turns out they are all crap. Later, I transferred my article to another journal, made minor revisions, and it was directly accepted. JOL can go to hell!

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