Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

getup2study 2023-08-07

May I ask, what is your current situation, OP? How long did each phase take? Can we chat in detail, if it's convenient?

getup2study 2023-08-02

Submitted on Jun 30, 2023, Under Review since Jun 30, 2023. It has been over a month in the tracking system and it still shows "Review invitations sent: 2+". Does this mean that reviewers have not been found yet?

万子浩 2023-07-20

The speed is fast, usually taking one month for the first review. Due to the niche content, the first time did not find all the reviewers, which delayed the process for one month. The result of the first review takes two months, with one acceptance and one major revision. The editor gives suggestions for the major revision, which takes 7 days to complete. In total, it takes nearly 3 months, which is quite fast.

windscloud 2023-07-17

Computer submit cautiously, it takes 1 month to be "With Editor". Don't be influenced by the positive comments below, as someone else may have been faster, but it doesn't mean they will be with you. Finally, don't choose Italy as they are too slow and there's a possibility of rejection.

xingxing2023 2023-05-25

Hello, I would like to know how to submit a journal article.

楚染 2023-04-27

Hello, can I have your contact information? I would like to inquire about the journal situation.

zmh0412 2023-03-31

Hello, do you have any information about the status "Decision in Process"?

zmh0412 2023-03-31

Hello, do you have the status "Decision in Process"?

zmh0412 2023-03-18

Hello, can I add your contact information? I would like to read some of your great articles. QQ: 972705682. Thank you.

Wuff 2023-03-05

The efficiency is too high - ten days for review and ten days for acceptance after modification.

PG_CSL 2023-01-29

Hello, may I ask if you have been hired?

Arckenstone 2022-12-14

Received 28 September 2022;
Received in revised form 27 November 2022;
Accepted 2 December 2022
The quickest publication in terms of acceptance. No delay, efficiency is paramount.

suerxz 2022-11-01

Excuse me, did you find it? Where did you find it?

Jaker 2022-09-21

Have you found the template?

稷下客 2021-07-19

I have also been over 3 months already T.T

smile@214 2021-06-08

Why are there no comments below this journal?

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