Verified Reviews - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally. 2023-06-18

This is my first time submitting to this journal too, I don't know how long it usually takes for a pending review. Sigh.

我就是来看看 2023-05-17

May I ask what's the current situation? I am also in pending waiting.

top不是梦 2023-03-07

How long does it usually take for the first instance to return an opinion?

liyakun 2022-07-20

I have submitted an article and it has been pending review for twenty days before being sent for approval.

拼命发sci的科研狗 2022-06-30

Has anyone submitted to this journal? It is currently pending review. How long does it usually take for the review process to be completed?

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