Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

豆芽菜的屁仔 2023-06-13

The first trial takes about 30 days, which is considered quite fast. What is the requirement for the repetition rate of this journal?

enjoy13 2023-05-09

Why hasn't this journal had any articles or comments in the past two years? Has there been any problem?

就让我论文中了吧 2021-12-31

May I ask the original poster, how long does it take for the process from "under review" to "assigning for review"? It usually takes about half a day for it to change from "under review" to "Under Review". What does this mean?

逍遥男人 2021-05-11

May I ask how much is the layout fee for this journal?

小虎他爹 2021-02-10

Article Received-Assigning Editors-Under Review-Assigning for Review-Under Review-Evaluating Recommendation-Revision, less than two months in total.

小虎他爹 2021-02-10

My feedback, which was given after 1 month and 20 days, is currently being revised.

ykunn 2021-01-08

How long has the original poster been submitting? Is it under review after submitting?

小虎他爹 2021-01-07

Has your article been accepted? I have been waiting for a month and a half now, and it is currently under review (with a capital R). Is the next step to receive feedback?

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