Verified Reviews - BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

努力搬砖的猪头。 2023-07-23

I give up, it's really slow, very slow.

edwfhef 2023-07-20

Expensive and slow, everyone should not invest!!

灌水小达人 2023-05-18

Good buddy, how long does the initial review of this journal take? Is open source always this slow?

找个好中的期刊 2023-05-05

Looking at it, it feels like it will be quite fast, but the result is that it was submitted on October 16, 2022, and accepted on May 4, 2024. It took nearly 7 months. It's really expensive and slow. Those who are in a hurry to graduate should pay more attention.

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