Verified Reviews - Materialia
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Zseven 2022-11-19

Is this a new journal? Why can't I find the Chinese Academy of Sciences classification?

薛定谔的布偶猫 2022-11-07

I previously used real-time impact factor to calculate, and the result is approximately between 2.5 and 3.

RaymondDai 2022-11-01

The conversion rate is fast, but it seems that the impact factor will not be high, and there is also a significant difference in article quality.

forstudy 2022-10-25

Same question, I feel that the impact factor just released should be around 2, not exceeding 3.

贾斯丁 2022-09-30

What will be the impact factor in 2023, and approximately how high can it be?

xjx 2022-09-07

I first submitted to the journal ACTA Materialia, and then transferred to Materialia. Overall, I feel the speed is good, and I hope for smooth development in the future.

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