Verified Reviews - BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

贲煜 2021-12-30

May I ask where to check the progress after submission?

四毛 2021-12-20

The latest major category in medicine is divided into three areas, and the supplementary medical subcategory is divided into two areas.

晓晗 2021-09-05

Can I ask if there will be a partition in December this year? When will there be an impact factor? The inclusion certificate only proves that it is SCI, without partition and factor, sigh.

晓晗 2021-09-05

The submission was accepted, but the article has not received an impact factor since it was renamed until now. Tragic.

叶子666 2021-06-13

The following text translates to English as: "Rejected by the Indian editor. The reason is for not providing a complete, unedited gel image as requested. I really laughed."

叶子666 2021-05-17

Submitted on December 22, 2020, edited and processed, repeatedly requested to submit the information I have already submitted, the email sent by the editor is clearly a standardized official email template. Later, after I clarified in an email with the editor, it was not until after January 11, 2021, that the manuscript was sent for external review. I saw that the journal contacted 10 reviewers one by one. Finally, in early March, I received comments from one reviewer, but the editor did not send them to me, stating that there were not enough reviewer comments yet. In late April, I was notified to make revisions, but there was still only one reviewer's opinion. The reviewer was very nice and did not require major changes, only polishing. At this point, the editor requested that I provide all the original gel images of the western blot within 20 days and send them back to the journal 5 days in advance. Currently, I am still waiting.

春风350 2021-01-08

How long does it take for JCR to reindex after changing the name?

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