Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Ocean1234 2023-06-10

Hello, I have submitted this journal, but the system shows that it has not been sent for review. It has been a long time since "with editor" and then "decision in process". This status has been going on for 4 months. Does this mean it has been rejected?

grapefruit 2023-05-14

Hello, how long does it usually take for this journal to be with the editor? It has been a month and it is still with the editor.

Alina_ZL 2023-04-12

Hello, from the moment the status changes to "under review," an email will be sent to the corresponding author. The email will contain a link where you can see how many reviewers have accepted the invitation, how many reviewers have uploaded comments, and so on. You can track the status at any time.

azhu 2023-04-02

Hello, I am currently in the process of submitting. Please allow me to resubmit after making the necessary revisions. It has been under review for two months now. Does this mean that a reviewer has not been assigned yet?

Alina_ZL 2023-03-21

2022.6.7 Submission
2023.2.21 Major Revision
2023.3.21 Acceptance
The editor is very nice, and the submission was sent for review the next day. Although the overall process took a bit long (due to the difficulty in finding reviewers for my research direction), the outcome is good!

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