Verified Reviews - International Journal of Rail Transportation
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

每年逢投必中 2023-07-31

You can try domestic journals, but most of them require a commissioned contribution.

哈塞给 2023-07-19

I have seen 3-4 similar studies published on it before, and I felt that the quality was average. However, my submission was rejected immediately, stating that it did not fit within the scope of the journal. I think there are three possibilities:
1. The quality of the article was too low, and the editor simply found a reason to reject it (but I have previously submitted to Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit).
2. The similar studies I saw before were all submitted by the same university, which is not the case for me.
3. The editor's perspective suddenly changed after being indexed in SCI.

林江老在 2023-04-05

Excuse me, any news? How is the submission cycle? I also want to give it a try and submit.

科研搬砖人 2022-12-02

The journal is very friendly and is a well-known SCI journal in the field of railways. The editorial process is relatively fast.

yq2022 2022-10-03

Submitted on 9.27, until today there hasn't been any editor assigned or rejection. Working on the topic of autonomous driving, it is anticipated that there may be rejections due to differing journal directions, but the slowness is unexpected, especially considering the journal is only up to issue 200+, and there has been no change in status for a week...

交大科研搬砖者 2022-06-28

Excuse me, how many reviewers are there in total?

cc 2022-04-06

A conscientious SCI journal in the field of domestic transportation, fast, efficient, with an increasing impact factor every year.

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