Verified Reviews - JMIR Public Health and Surveillance
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

cc2536 2023-05-08

The first submission was reviewed for five months, with multiple comments from four reviewers. It underwent major revisions once and minor revisions once before being accepted. Moving on to the second submission, it was reviewed for seven months, with a total of over ten comments from two reviewers. Hoping for a positive outcome.

liangjia 2023-04-06

I would like to ask, what is the name of the journal you recommended?

liyue19960909 2023-03-17

Submitted in August of year 22, underwent major revisions in January of year 23, revised again in February, and transferred temporarily to a sister journal without an impact factor in March. If you are eager to promote your own new journal, it is not recommended to rush.

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