Verified Reviews - Nanoscale Advances
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

xhchen200905 2022-07-06

I submitted this journal article, and it was accepted after revision. The editor was especially friendly, and I felt warmth. They strictly uphold the quality standards, and I am very grateful and honored that my article was accepted by the journal.

Kuit 2022-03-17

After July 1st last year, submission requires payment of publication fees, which amount to a little over 10,000 Chinese Yuan, not a small amount.

博士806 2022-01-12

May I ask if there is a layout fee to be paid after the article is accepted?

supersix 2022-01-06

Submitted Oct 2021
Accepted Dec 2021

jiangfei209 2021-11-18

Is there a fee for submitting to this journal?

Kuit 2021-11-12

Submitted in mid-July 2021, undergoing major revisions in early September. After returning in mid-October 2021, directly accepted after 20 days.

简亦繁 2021-08-30

Submitted on June 25
Received review comments on July 30
Revised and resubmitted on August 20
Accepted on August 30
The review speed of the journal is acceptable, and the reviewers' questions are relatively professional. The editor is supportive.

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