Verified Reviews - Environmental Microbiome
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

白鹭先生 2022-05-09

It has been two months since submission, and it has been in the "editor appointed" status all along. I still don't know how to contact the magazine. I am ready to withdraw the submission.

Carolejane 2022-03-18

You can log in to your account here to check:
The submission system of this journal is quite strange. It only shows the status of the manuscript, and it has been "Editor appointed" all along. May I ask if there is any update on your status?

Carolejane 2022-03-18

I have been waiting for over a month, and the editor is still appointed. I'm thinking of sending an email to urge them, but I'm not sure if it has been reviewed. Does anyone know the situation?

Hadalzone 2022-02-28

Boss, after submitting an article on the official website of this magazine, how can we check the submission status? The communication author can't see anything after logging into the official website. Should we check on the journal's submission website?

yml 2021-09-29

The review process was quite fast. After submitting, I received major revision suggestions in about 1.5 months. After carefully revising and resubmitting, I received minor revision suggestions in approximately 1 month. Finally, the paper was accepted after re-submitting.

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