Verified Reviews - BIODEGRADATION
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

加班餐威克斯 2023-05-31

Too slow, guys. Let's try something else.

蛋仔牛奶 2023-02-22

Are you also the Patrick McNamara who edits this? It's too slow. I thought the initial review could still be accepted for two months, but after the repair, there was no news at all...

不爱科研的小白 2023-02-16

Dude, this magazine is not just slow, it took 10 months for them to accept my submission...

蛋仔牛奶 2023-02-10

It has been a month and a half for the first review, and after resubmitting for revision, it has been in the state of editing, evaluation, and modification. It has been over 50 days... Is it really this slow?

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