Verified Reviews - World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

大寒 2023-03-20

Where is the website address?

我会一直爱你的 2021-07-03

The magazine's submission process, in my opinion, is very friendly and the review process is fast. It has an impact factor of 2.582 and has great potential, making it worth submitting to. Below is my submission process:

2020-12-29: Manuscript accepted
12-28: Assigned to the Editorial Office Director for a second decision
12-25: Sent the edited manuscript to authors for proofreading
12-22: Reassigned to an editor for editing
12-21: Submitted the revision
12-03: Revision accepted
12-01: First decision made by the company's Editor-in-Chief
11-27: Sent to the company's Editor-in-Chief for the first decision
11-26: Sent to the Science Editor Office for the first decision
2020-10-17: Manuscript submitted

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