Verified Reviews - Toxics
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Rockyang 2023-07-18

20230625, Submit
20230710, Minor revisions, 2 reviewers, 17 days for comments, requested to be completed within 5 days, actually completed within half a day
20230718, Accept

拯救地球好累 2023-07-05

Submitted on May 30th, 23
Major revision on June 15th, with three reviewers providing over sixty comments. The quality and requirements of the external review were relatively high. Ten days were given for revisions.
Revised on June 24th.
Minor revision on June 29th, with one reviewer providing three minor comments. Three days were given for revisions.
Revised on July 2nd.
Accepted on July 4th.
The publication fee for me was a little over 16,000, but now it seems to have increased to around 20,000.
In terms of journals of the same level, the review process of Toxics is relatively rigorous and serious. However, it is also fast, mainly reflected in the efficiency of the editorial department. Anything that needs to be handled by the editorial department is basically completed on the same day. For example, the manuscript is processed two hours after submission, and reviewers are contacted on the same day. English editing and typesetting for proof are completed on the same day of acceptance.

zhouyi98 2023-05-20

I'd like to ask if the review process is strict.

蘑菇嘟嘟 2023-05-08

2023-4-17 Submission
2023-4-26 Major revision, 3 reviewers, a total of 11 comments, 2 minor revisions, 1 major revision, to be returned within 7 days
2023-5-3 Revisions resubmitted
2023-5-5 Accepted
2023-5-7 Published
The publication fee is now 2000CHF, which can be considered as catching up with graduation. Thank you, editor.

生物质炭 2023-04-27

How much does the layout fee cost?

zchenchen 2022-10-13

2022-9-22 Submission
2022-10-10 Acceptance
2022-10-12 Publication

LeoZY 2022-10-08


Received: 31 August 2022
Revised: 21 September 2022
Accepted: 22 September 2022
Published: 26 September 2022

等待 2022-05-28

The text is already in English. It states that the document was received on May 26, 2022, and it is currently under review as of May 26, 2022, at 13:18:37.

kingwwz 2021-12-22

12.21 receive

kingwwz 2021-12-16

11.20 Submission
11.21 External review
12.06 Major revision, given 7 working days to make changes. 2 reviewers.
12.13 Revised manuscript reviewed.
12.15 Became pending editor decision.
In summary, the process was fast and the feedback was quite reasonable.
Hoping for acceptance.

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