Verified Reviews - Communications Chemistry
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

cker 2021-12-10

The review process is a bit long. It has been 45 days since I transferred from small NC to now, and I have not received the result of the first review yet.

Amphiaraus 2021-11-18

Excuse me, are you submitting the small NC for review as recommended, or have you not submitted it for review?

H7 2021-10-05

nc suggests switching to this journal. How is the positioning of this journal? Is it at the level of ACS AMI JMCA?

susa 2021-01-08

After being rejected by Nature Communication, it is recommended to submit it elsewhere. It is a pure basic comprehensive study, and it feels a bit of a loss. It is predicted that the first impact factor in 2021 will be close to 6. Although it cannot compete with the newly released energy journals, I believe CC will be better tomorrow. The majority of the articles have a high quality. After resubmission, it went through three reviewers, and two gave very positive evaluations, leading to direct acceptance. The third reviewer provided many constructive comments. After providing a detailed response, it was also accepted.

大兜兜 2021-01-07

The quality of the manuscript review is very high.

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