Verified Reviews - Journal of Inflammation Research
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

hhhgf 2021-12-15

Infection-related, Bioinformatics + Basic, extremely fast review process, submission to publication cycle of 2 months.

humour 2021-06-06

Do we need all three repetitions of the data?

yydlt 2021-06-03

The article requires raw data as well as WB original uncut film strips, so let's prepare all the raw data before starting the submission!

谢大头 2021-02-28

Hit it with one shot, but there is a lot of data in the article itself, a total of 19 figures, running through 30 paragraphs and many other data. The magazine is fast, and the key to success lies in the editor, while the reviewers are of secondary importance. They have a high requirement for the innovative aspect of the article and need to clearly state where the innovation lies.

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