Verified Reviews - Nature Catalysis
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

科研打铁佬 2022-10-20

This is such a pity, isn't it?

未发文章 2022-10-06

March 16, 2022: Manuscript under submission and Manuscript received;
March 21: Editor assigned and Manuscript under consideration;
March 30: Editor Decision Started and requested to sign an author agreement, initiating the review process;
May 13: Manuscript under consideration, received review comments;
Three reviewers, one did not provide any feedback, rendering it invalid, one rejected the manuscript, and one suggested minor revisions. The editor decided to reject the manuscript.

Cecilia-s 2022-02-19

Submission notice will be sent after 12 days. Currently, it has been one week since the submission, and it is still unknown how long it will take to receive the review results.

byweia 2021-12-09

After 28 days of submission, no notification was sent for review, so I courteously transferred it to Nature Catalysis. This speed is too urgent.

一夜很静 2021-03-01

Has there been no news about your article for a month?

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